Faire danser
le plafond
Faire danser le plafond (Making the Ceiling Dance) is a signature piece, combining the intimate and the universal in a huge colorful mosaic. As a tribute to his first love and the fundamentals of the work he has...
Prima Materia
Abdelkader Benchamma has created on the ceiling of the hotel's entrance chamber a huge fresco in Indian ink evoking Alchemy, a contemporary variation of the techniques of the Grand Siècle.
Each element is spread out ...
With Longue-vue (Spyglass), the world-work created by Marlène Mocquet, nature has penetrated the interior of the building. A family of herons carries blue and golden apples as cannonballs; symbol of captivity f...
Hommage à
un esprit libre
In the former wedding hall, an Italian-style salon remarkable for its volumes, decorations and Louis XV wing doors, the Flemish artist Jan Fabre created Hommage à un esprit libre (Homage to a Free Spirit): a wo...
Le chant de la Sybille
Olympe Racana-Weiler is such a young artist (born in 1990) that it is difficult to affirm truths about her painting, so much so that she might contradict everything we say in the years to come. This uncertainty makes eve...